Return to Coldville

I forgot how aggressive Ohio makes me. It could be a mix of things; A little of my mind worn away from the constant grinding of my mother's CNN programming in the background, and the incessant knock knock knocking on my door when my parents decide that it's time that I get up NOW because my life is a waste otherwise, or the fact that it's 55F outside in June, raining and grey, the fact that my friends put more pressure on me that anyone to see them and SEE THEM NOW, or it's decided that i'm not a good friend, and I never make time to see them on their strict schedule because i'm selfish or something.

DAMN GUYS. Chill. please. I know you're cold and miserable here, but take 2 seconds not to hyperventilate and want to strangle me. (and then people wonder why I pull away and hide.)

In a way it's good to be home for a bit. Kinda. I got to see in Ani Difranco with my parents (Yeah yeah yeah... listen to her latest album, and THEN feel free to judge me.) and it was grounding. I'm surprised by the number of misadventures i've already had while just trying to exist in public. (Some of the misadventures I had run from... Take everything in stride.)

My main projects while back include a huge garage sale... Yes, i'm getting rid of EVERYTHING in storage so I can go be a Jesuit. HAHA! Not really... but I am getting rid of all of my stuff. I just don't need it.

I've gotta figure out where I'll be going to next.. Palau? Shanghai? Who knows... Still hanging in Limbo from the last 7 months. I'm building quite the resistance :)


The Next Adventure! Chapter 2: China

So the decision has been made:  My next adventure will be in China! Visit my China Blog @  (Not ...