The Next Adventure! Chapter 2: China

So the decision has been made: 

My next adventure will be in China!

Visit my China Blog @ 

(Not my photo guys, I just found it on Google. Please don't sue me.)

In southern China, lies the first-teir city of Dongguan, located in central Guangdong Province, just Northeast of Hong Kong. It's known as the country's industrial city, and sits within the Pearl River Delta.

(Also, found this on Google)

This time, I'll be teaching through a Swiss company, founded in 1965 called Education First (or EF for short). Through it, a branch called English First, has hubs located around the world, where parents can send their kids to after school programs to learn english. Dongguan is home to one such center, where I will be living and teaching for 12 months.

I wanted to live as far South as I could to avoid Cleveland-like weather, and be close(ish) to the ocean. They do have dive centers in Hong Kong, so hopefully i'll be able to utilize them and keep up with my side job of being a part time fish. 

I visited China back in 2010 with my parents, and LOVED every second of the trip. Now I get to fulfill the dream of living there, and teaching! I'll be able to obtain my TEFL certification, sponsored through the center in Dongguan, which will open up new doors and new opportunities in teaching abroad! 

The job starts in Sept./Oct., so i've still got plenty of time to gather my energy, and prepare for the next leg of my journey. In a few days i'll be off to Chuuk for 3 weeks, to work one-on-one with a student who's talented in the arts. It should be a ton of fun for us both.

Return to Coldville

I forgot how aggressive Ohio makes me. It could be a mix of things; A little of my mind worn away from the constant grinding of my mother's CNN programming in the background, and the incessant knock knock knocking on my door when my parents decide that it's time that I get up NOW because my life is a waste otherwise, or the fact that it's 55F outside in June, raining and grey, the fact that my friends put more pressure on me that anyone to see them and SEE THEM NOW, or it's decided that i'm not a good friend, and I never make time to see them on their strict schedule because i'm selfish or something.

DAMN GUYS. Chill. please. I know you're cold and miserable here, but take 2 seconds not to hyperventilate and want to strangle me. (and then people wonder why I pull away and hide.)

In a way it's good to be home for a bit. Kinda. I got to see in Ani Difranco with my parents (Yeah yeah yeah... listen to her latest album, and THEN feel free to judge me.) and it was grounding. I'm surprised by the number of misadventures i've already had while just trying to exist in public. (Some of the misadventures I had run from... Take everything in stride.)

My main projects while back include a huge garage sale... Yes, i'm getting rid of EVERYTHING in storage so I can go be a Jesuit. HAHA! Not really... but I am getting rid of all of my stuff. I just don't need it.

I've gotta figure out where I'll be going to next.. Palau? Shanghai? Who knows... Still hanging in Limbo from the last 7 months. I'm building quite the resistance :)

The Final Update: Leaving the Hill

I'll be leaving for Cleveland, Ohio on the 4th. I don't regret any of my decisions.

First and foremost, I have declined this years offer to start at Boston College, on account of the number of questions that remained unanswered. I waited for a month to hear from Charlie before he showed up at Xavier to visit Emily, and at that, he sent me the details/ handbook only a few days before my final decision... and I had questions. The contract brought up more questions, and with almost no time to take everything into consideration before my signing, I found that a split second leap wasn't the best idea. I needed more time... something Charlie couldn't give me.

So i'm here... waiting for the wave to sweep me away. None of my uncertainties require me to act immediately. The relationships i've formed here in Chuuk are deep. The Sapuukians have grown on me, and i'll miss our limited interactions. Brenda (Not a Sapuukian, but egh)  Mitigo, Russ, Atnes, Katsuo, Apo, Cernina, Jose, Mary, Lisa... I didn't think I'd grow so close.

Of course the Xavierites I'll miss more every day as reality sinks in. I haven't much to say about it  right now. I'm glad I have so many pictures of them and from them.

The Xavier faculty...I guess I don't have anything in english to say about this loss either... It's going to take a while to sink in; it doesn't seem real. I've been preparing for the day that I leave since I found myself discarded. I don't think I'll cry on the plane leaving Chuuk, or when we all part ways one final time. However, nights will hard for me.

What a perfectly awesome and strange adventure I've had: Trips along the road made of moon-craters, the curvey horizon stretching on and on, screaming girls throwing metal chairs, Boys...spitting...always, black magic on Octopus Mountain, Uurohs, Ant and Lizard invasions, Fresh mangos, butt-kicking Roby girls, horrible music, complaints of mackerel and requests to "hack" the wifi, AM screeching about beef jerky, reliving the life of Sylvia Plath through Mr. Takenori, Sensei's laugh before brutally denying you, Sapuuk's nasally singing... I could go on and on.

Maybe i'll end up in Palau... Maybe Shanghai.... maybe the Marshalls. I know for certain i'll be back to Weno this summer to give Kalani art lessons, and work toward becoming a dive master. I love my life.

Congrats Primordians!!! Class of 2019!!!

You've been in Chuuk for TOO LONG...

I just caught myself becoming very excited over google street view showing, that in Palau, there are roads. Unfortunately, this was not before witnessing 30 seconds of nostalgic flashbacks... of roads.


I guess I'm a Navigator too...

Charlie visited last weekend, and the decision had been made.  The deal has been offered, and I have accepted. Bing bam boom. With that, I depart from Micronesia in one month to start a new life in Boston. I can't believe this is happening. 

I wasn't about to be ready to leave for quite some time, and yet i'm on the fast track to the States. I need to be moved into Boston by June 14th, and I depart from the FSM on the 4th. Talk about shaking things up. Attending graduate school in the city of Boston is literally the opposite extreme of my dream-like island life. The similarities lie only in the community: Catholic, tight-nit, and fully funded. 

I hope that I can make the transition with as little emotional trauma as possible. I think i've already undergone the brunt of it when my parents were here. Thanks Mom and Dad <3. 

The students have been briefed, so most all of them see what's coming. Of course there're a few who don't quite listen, and ask before being reprimanded by their counterparts. I wonder if they'll miss me. 

I wish I could watch the Juniors graduate next year, but even more upsetting is leaving the freshmen. There are so many of them with great creative promise, AND drive. Drive is the rare catalyst that usually is no where in sight... but Mindful, Richard, and so many of the Freshmen pull their own weight and more. With my guidance I believe they could have achieved great things. Wheioooo.

For now, I'm spending a little time away from the hill. The internet is abysmal, as usual, and i'm sick of trying to make decisions while feeling un-informed. Lesson planning feels like running a marathon through sand with platform boots on. Exhausting, pointless, and somewhat insulting. At least with that i'd be insured a great butt.

Tomorrow i'll go diving. I tried to go this morning, but ended up snorkeling instead. The crew that was supposed to go out decided to take a day of rest. I bought a couple cheap-o skirts from the gift shop that I really liked (probably my Chuukese attempt at shopping therapy.) For the rest of the day, I'll try to catch up on work, maybe even relax a bit. 

Last night I went to Blue Lagoon with Emily, Maria and the Aussies. We saw the JVC members on their retreat (they'll be staying through the weekend.) A serving of the veggie fried rice, a couple of Brenda's signature strong drinks, and back to Truk Stop I went. When I got back, I hung with VaVa and Sharron, trying to make their night bartending for a bar full of Chuukese men a little less irritating. Is it ok to hang out with bartenders? I know they're supposed to be personable and friendly as part of the job description, but at what point does that become "hanging out"?  Maybe when you stop tipping them. I guess i'd consider that hanging out, although last night I tripped them even though I didn't order anything. Nah. I guess that just makes me that "one-weird-friend."

L5 is crammed with U.S. Militray in uniform, the U.S. Ambassador, and Japanese Businessmen. They're playing weird rasta music ohhh gaahhh whhyyyyyyyy NO BOB MARLEY I DON'T WANNA LOVE YA. Is this love that I'm feeling? 😂

Diving the Ghost Fleet of Chuuk Lagoon

Diving the Haien Maru & Yamagiri Maru wrecks 

This little video was shot with my GoPro Hero 5, in the new dive housing I purchased for it.
TOO much fun with this. 

In other news, I still haven't heard a word from Charlie about my future; I'm left floating here, wondering and wondering...

(Also, I don't own the song in this video, so don't sue me.)

Waking up: Leaving Xavier, meeting Charlie, and a possible future in Boston.

It's been a long time since I last posted. I know.
A lot has happened since then.

My parents came to visit in the beginning of the month. although they had tried to arrive weeks earlier, they came right when they were meant to.

People come and go year after year, blood pumping through this old, hollow bunker. Xavier reminds you that you are yet another spirit to posses it.

In December I applied to a program at Boston College; a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in exchange for service to Xavier (with classwork and conferencing) to become a better teacher, under a 2 year contract. It's more complicated than that, but in a coconut shell...yeah.

I had gotten an email from BC on the day of my parents arrival to Chuuk, telling me that I had been accepted into the program. I assumed it was the program I had applied for, and was ecstatic until Charlie assured me that this was only half the battle won.

I then learned:

1. Xavier does not have the "facilities" to accommodate a new teacher like myself in the program through BC.

2. If I don't get into the Boston program at Xavier, (which I clearly had not) I can't come back to Xavier. Period. Which, by the way, was the only thing that I DID want.

"We feel that we don't have the facilities or the tools that you need.  How would you feel about moving to Boston?"

First off, shock. And a sick sense that my dream was dead in my arms.

1 week of tossing and turning (I swear it was a month)
Sleep and weight lost... but an inch gained to my skin.

The last conversation that I had with Charlie felt too emotionally driven
(I don't even know what to feel)
so when I got another email from him, again, I was surprised.

"looking into a special opportunity for you." he says. I'm not sure what that means, but my future is waiting on his follow up... I swear the only thing keeping me well are my students.

I won't hold my breath.
(I cant really breathe at this point anyway.)
Heartbreak, strengthen me.

Valentines Day approaches, & love comes in many forms: including but not limited to 10 lb. balls of mechanically separated turkey breast

It was February 9th, in the freezer section of Assa, when we first met.

I looked at it, it looked at me, and I knew life would never be the same.
I picked it up and carried it with me. I didn't care that I couldn't feel my hands.
The price was missing... I didn't care what it was... love has no price tag.

Just bring it back cashier lady... bring my sweet sweet 10 lb. hunk of freezing love
back to me...

It was 20 min. before she returned... and with her, my sweet sweet mechanically separated baby.
(Out of context = Horror story.)

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not gravy, it is honey roast, it is 10 pound.  It does not dishwater others, it is not self-seasoning, it is not easily thawed, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but three slices with the truth.  It always protein, always trusts, always hopes, always preservatives.
Love never fails. But where there are pickle cheese, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be salted; where there is knife, it will pass some of that luncheon meat this away.

Catholic Schools week

I've been feeling exceptionally driven to create lately. Today I was about to get some supplies for my art class, as well as score a Dremel from ACE. Sooooo excited to make some progress on my chess set! I'm still thinking "sea" themed.... yeah tacky, I know. Bite me.

Today is the start of Catholic schools week, so classes start on Wed., which are shortened periods anyway. As for today and tomorrow, we're participating in several activities planned around socializing with the other two Catholic schools in the area. It'll be a nice change.

Rescue mission: Kittens!


         Friday, I was sitting in my office working on my UCTC application essay, when I over heard my office mate talking about coming back from a trip to town,
        "There were these 2 tiny kittens in the middle of the road, and I got out of the ATV to move       them and they tried to follow me. It was so sad."
          Of course being me, my ears perked right up.
         "Where?" I asked.

   She told me where they were, and it wasn't far from Xavier.
         "They probably won't make it, they were so tiny," she added.

           I went to talk to James, thinking he'd tell me it was a bad idea, and that the kittens would be fine, and they probably are hiding safely in the jungle somewhere, and that they were going to live.
         "Kitten rescue mission?! Is this how you become Catwoman?" was his response. Not helpful.

           As we approached the spot where Krista had seen them in the ATV, we slowed down. Sure enough, two sets of little ears were sticking up out of the middle of the road, huddled together tightly into a ball. Behind them, a couple trucks were steaming down the road. As we stopped the ATV,  the kittens got up and pitter-pattered over to us, scarred and anxious. I scooped them up into a blanket and box that I had brought, and we turned around, and headed back toward Xavier.

           I couldn't help but turn into a squealing pile of excitement. BABIES!!!

          Back in the common room in the dorm, we unleashed the cute typhoon... and they were no bigger than bars of soap. I. am in love. This is, of course, a recipe for disaster and heartbreak... but i'll do everything I can, to make their lives happy for as long as I possibly can. <3

Damn kids these days / millenials and their phones

6 hours.

6 hours that I'll wish I had while lying on my death bed.

6 hours that I could have used to save/change the world



Ok. So none of those things can be done in 6 hours anyway, but it IS how long I've spent completely lost driving around this rock. I'm a little peeved.

I hate to sound like a snake people (millennials), but the combination of not having my phone, and the ingenuity of the roads NOT BEING MARKED, makes it great to travel around without a phone. I NEED MY PHONE. THIS IS DUMB.

A night in at Fumiko's : American Rambling

  • So America...  Obsession with grilling outside? Stereotype or culture 
  • The Japanese are convinced that the way they do things is the perfect way... how about genetically modified food? Apples half the size of my head? 

  •  Update: The apples are too damn good. I need a second suitcase. 
  • Dogs and chickens. The logic behind housing 20 of each in your backyard: 
    • You don't hear them = You don't have to train them. 
    • Not having to train them = Let them run free and multiply because who doesn't sleep like a baby at 3a.m. while your stupid dog eats your other stupid dogs face off.
  • I wonder if Fumiko ever had any kids. I don't think so.
  • Kristen vs.  Rice Cooker with Japanese buttons = Rice cooker +1, Kristen = 0.
  • $150.00 to fix my iphone...are they ripping me off? Should I have checked elsewhere before giving it to them? Do I even want to know?
  • If the distance between here and home was broken up into 20 metric "too far" aways, then how far is 1 metirc "too far"?
  • Is it normal or paranoia to feel like you're being watched when you're living in someone else's home?
  • Ice cream truck?!!?
  • No it was just the neighbors stereo. Sad. 

Photo J Group Photo

Here they are <3

Escape to Guam


First of all, I'd like to point out that the theme of the week is "You never told me that."

This Christmas will be my first Christmas celebrated without anyone. On the 22nd I'll be flying to Guam, where I'll have a ride waiting to take me to a house and car that I'll be staying in, under the condition that I clean and prepare it for new guests coming on the 5th. (The trade seems unbalanced, but I'll find a way to make it up to them.)

What I know about the trip:

1. I'll have a place to stay, near to the University.
2. Dennis will be on Island, and he'll most likely want my help preparing entrance exams.
3. I'm going to eat like royalty (aka organic, fresh veggies.)
4. Bathing suit, shorts and tank tops will be utilized (because I can.)

What I don't know about the trip:

1. How I'll spend Christmas and New Years day.
2. What to expect of "my" home and car.

I'll be playing most of the trip by ear, which will make things more interesting.

I'm excited to see what I've been missing. It's not that I'm missing things at all, but more of, I'm excited to experience the "oh yeah, I forgot about _______" moments. There're so many blanks that I've forgotten about, including but not limited to: Bathtubs, roads, groups of people, food, internet, shoes that aren't missing, hospitals, public anything, etc.

I can also promise you that I won't miss: Children with machetes (drunken or otherwise), patriarchal bigotry, my knees being considered perverse, limitations as to where I walk, what I buy, who I'm with, what I "am"/ my general existence as a female, MSG in everything, sugar in everything, grease in everything, bones, blood and guts in the kitchen at all times, and other daily norms.

Don't get me wrong, It's amazing here, I love this place, its beautiful, and the kids I teach are magical, but my preferences are slightly more westernized and liberal than is preferred.

It'll just be nice to rebuild myself over the break. Just 2 more days, and I'm free to relax.


I've arrived at my destination in Guam.

Firstly, I can't believe the kindness i've been shown by Roberta Abaday and Fumiko Harada.

I contacted Roberta expecting to make plans for dinner or an evening out, and she's introduced me to Fumiko, who's given me her home and car, and a refrigerator stocked with food, and wine that i'm instructed to drink or throw out. I mean... if you insist...

Roberta greeted me at the airport with a string of shells, took me to the store and bought me groceries, gave me a Christmas gift, and made plans to pick me up tomorrow to show me the island, before leaving me to do whatever I would like to do. I'm overwhelmed with all of this... not to mention the shock that i'm already in from getting back in touch with the modern world...

First of all, grocery stores hurt to be in. There's too much crap.  Quality crap, but still too much.

Secondly...women have knees, and you know what's attached to those? Thighs. Also, holy hell.

Thirdly, a house is a big room that is so large, that you can put walls inside of it to make "rooms". There are windows, air conditioning, and beds inside too... I wish I could expound, but my brain has reached its data limit.

Christmas Party

We had a faculty Christmas party last night that I had totally forgotten about considering time is flying by, and exams are fast approaching. They killed and roasted one of the Xavier pigs, although I didn't partake. Sensei made sushi, Mrs. Carl made a rice dish, I made the mashed potatoes, and Dennis made grilled reef fish. Minus the pig on the table, it was simple and sweet.  After dinner, we had our secret santa / white elephant game, and after we chilled. All of the above was greatly needed.

Trash-a-thon = SUCCESS!!

On the 5th of December, my Photo J. class put into motion our trash-a-thon  "downtown" Weno. Locals commented/thanked us, giving my students the encouragement and confidence in their ability to make a difference. Everyone had fun, nobody got hurt, and Chuuk is hopefully inspired to think twice about throwing their trash on the ground.

Mr. Carl also came down and helped pick up trash. The students LOVED that. In addition, he gave us a task to paint the bridge "while we're down". Painting the bridge means painting 2 bridges, (6 hours of painting)... all 35-ish of us...with the 3 small brushes we were the sun... without sun screen... probably not the most thought out plan of action.

I'm hoping that the bridges didn't take away from the student's idea that a "trash-a-thon" can be fun, and steer them away from participating again in the future. (but hey, the bridges look great.) Going down for only the trash-a-thon would have lasted 3 hours, but with the additional 6, they were desperate to go home.

I drove by the bridges again today, (a week later,) and still no graffiti. I'm impressed. I don't want to speak too soon, but all those "badass" graffiti rebels aren't really that rebellious. Even they can appreciate how much better it looks without blemishes. It just goes to show that the local Chuukese have good hearts, no matter how "badass" they want to be.

Waking up is less helpful...

I've been having dreams lately, and I can't tell or remember what is real and what isn't. In the past, my dreams focus on a place or experience, like falling through the windows of buildings into darkness, A place that is not my home, but feels as though it is, or with someone as a presence rather than a person.

Lately though I'm remembering people as individuals, and the things they are telling me; Words, names, numbers, etc. These are all the things I'm usually less apt to remember. Am I dreaming, or am I remembering? I think that maybe i'm to embarrassed to ask the people around me... It's not that i'm not listening...

Been busy, but Happy Thanksgiving!

First off... HAPPY THANKSGIVING to friends and family back home.

(I'll post more about the holiday later on.)

Firstly, as of November 11th, I'm finally open water certified. I also much prefer being in the ocean to being on land. Nothing personal.

In classes, things have been going as smoothly as possible:

  • In English III we're still trying to finish up V for Vendetta (It's taking us way longer than I wanted it to.) Next up, i'll have ACT prep. It's hard keeping the Juniors motivated. 

  • Computer skills class has been moving slowly but surely toward learning the basics of typing. The one thing that drives the students is competition. As soon as they smell blood in the water, it's on, so i've been keeping them busy with races, practice, etc. There's really no other way to teach typing.

Computer Skills (Vanguard)

  • Study Skills has been fine, although it's hard to fit everything into a class period. They usually are engaged in my lectures throughout the entire period, so i'm thankful for that. They need it.

  • Lastly, I'm so proud of my Photojournalism class. For one, Dennis has been generous enough to provide us with 5 Nikon D3500 DSLR's to learn with. AMAZING! These kids are so lucky.

Unwrapping our beautiful new cameras!
    • Anyway... the pride I have in them...They all (or mostly all) have taken the initiative to set up interviews, research, and cover stories that have weight in the community. One class aims to educate the general public of Chuuk on the current Chuuk Succession movement, so that the average Chuukese citizen can understand the movement, and can make decisions to vote in favor of whats best for themselves and the future of Chuuk.

    • The second class has joined with the Chuuk Conservation Society and other local businesses to host a "trash-a-thon", raising awareness to the huge issue surrounding environmental health and waste. We're also promoting our involvement in the community as a school with a great rep.  Because Xavier consists on so many different students from different islands and cultures, students that are not local Chuukese that dedicate their time, picking up trash on an island that isn't theirs is a strong statement.
Interview with Mars Akapito at CCS

Canisius @ CCS

I'm excited to see where 2019 takes us! Almost there.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

In computer class currently... They just can't follow directions, or stop talking. Halloween has been 2/3 fun, 1/3 obnoxious. I've been in a bit of a funk for the past 24 hours, however its comforting to know that no matter what happens here, as long as I get to teach my students, i'll be just fine. <3

Freshman decked out for Halloween
Jelome and Carmen <3 Juniors


Illuminauts = Thug life 

Every night of my life from 7:15pm-9:45pm...

Every night of my life here, from 7:15 - 9:45 is the most beautiful spattering of chaotic non-sense to ever grace my office.

Thank you all for your input. Your absurd questions, your obnoxious pranks. For hiding my most prized possessions from me, just so you could watch me spaz out and chase you down the hallway.


"E" day free day

Today Is my "E" day, which means no classes for me today. What a huge help this is, considering my healthy dose of grading, and the need to spend a little time relaxing, sleeping in (usually), and doing other things that I otherwise wish I had time to do.

Today I was up early to take a Jesuit photo for Fr. Tom. I attended mass, and tried my best to capture a back lit photo for them. Hopefully I'll get to paint some more today, and grade a few more of the COFA research papers. Each one of the papers takes me a minimum for two hours to grade. There is no "skimming" with papers like these. English (being a second language) on top of several other things that high school juniors might struggle with, makes for long evenings and early mornings for me. It doesn't help that the Illuminauts keep coming into my office individually and asking if I'm done grading papers, to which I more often than not, respond to with a hearty chuckle. Oh you. Lets talk about the differences between past and present tense first. <3

(Primordians photo cred.)

I'm a Tech-Killer Black Thumb... But at least my kids are boss.

So the past few days have been rough. My phone is on the verge of dying for good, my computer in Guam is "refusing to produce results of error" and therefore, I am just getting a new Macbook with the slender means that I do have. 

Community wise I feel stuck in a rut... and I absolutely needed Maria and Mac today. They were GREAT. I'm so grateful.

Also, the kids save me every time. I absolutely adore my smart, hilarious, charming, goofy, crazy, wonderful students with every bit of my teacher-ly being. I can't wait to see them grow up and pursue their dreams. To see them graduate?! I might even cry. I'll have you know that I've NEVER once cried out of happiness. No such emotion exists in my spectrum, but these guys might just push that envelope.

We live for the "daily grind" (love)

Now that the internet seems to be functioning one metric step above than abysmal, I'd love to share with you of a small portion of the beautiful photography taken by our Primortians. <3



Nawwww. Kobe and Deshaun
Merkii, Breaking the rules. (disclaimer, I wasn't here when this happened.) 



Youth vs. Government : The future of Chuuk State

So it's been awhile since I've posted. This is partially because loading pictures is next to impossible on the network (when it happens it's usually a combination of dumb luck, and...well..more dumb luck.), and I don't like the idea of text updates without photos.  Yeah. So maybe I'm artistically shallow.

A lot has changed since I last updated: Keech is fatter, I've been to the clinic twice, no one has pysically died yet, and I'm learning a lot about Chuuk. Tomorrow I'm going to town because one of our best students has composed a speech to present to the Chuuk State Government. Very VERY exciting. She's one of my juniors, and even so, I take no credit for her amazing feat. There are rumours of Chuuk leaving the union of the islands, to become an independent nation... to do so would mean economic, social, and political suicide in many definitions of the word. This has much to do with the current COFA conundrum and other issues we are discussing in class.

Things here are so different from in the US. I was talking with other teachers the other night about how when a child in the US says, "I'm gonna be president someday." you laugh and tell them to follow their dreams. There's little chance in that happening. But if a child in Micronesia says, "I want to be president." you should take that child very seriously, because in reality there is a good chance that they will be the next President of the FSM. The current president attended Xavier, as did many other high ranking officials of the government. Very interesting. Both promising, and scary.

The scariest thing for me currently, is talking about our next assignment in class: 'V for Vendetta'. At first, I thought it would be a lot of fun, bringing up topics of debate, like violence as a form of protest or control, and questioning authority as a citizen.... but in Chuuk... things are different, in this small island nation. I didn't realise that when I brought up the topic of corruption in the government, protest, and trust, not only did this raise questions about America, Chuuk, and the fascist governments of old, but also questions like, "What if there is no corruption here?" and, "what if some people are Bias, because said persons' dad is a government official, and they have only heard good things?" that...those are both GREAT questions. It's common I hear the local people complaining about the corrupt government, and how they lie cheat and steal... so what IS going on here?

I never meant to offend or kindle anger, I don't mean to blame or question disrespectfully... because in America, there are so many "nobodies"... It's easy to talk about their problems from a distance. In contrast, here I find myself standing before passionate and fiery eyes. I hope they can understand what and why I question.

Photo J. (Seniors Primortians)

So today the Primortians (in my now growing class for Photo J) were SUPER stoked to play in the dark with the camera. Here are some of their stellar shots. I'm happy they are having so much fun :) They are taking great photographs, and doing so with NO editing. Pure manual Nikon goodness. <3

The Next Adventure! Chapter 2: China

So the decision has been made:  My next adventure will be in China! Visit my China Blog @  (Not ...