L5 is crammed with U.S. Militray in uniform, the U.S. Ambassador, and Japanese Businessmen. They're playing weird rasta music ohhh gaahhh whhyyyyyyyy NO BOB MARLEY I DON'T WANNA LOVE YA. Is this love that I'm feeling? 😂

Diving the Ghost Fleet of Chuuk Lagoon

Diving the Haien Maru & Yamagiri Maru wrecks 

This little video was shot with my GoPro Hero 5, in the new dive housing I purchased for it.
TOO much fun with this. 

In other news, I still haven't heard a word from Charlie about my future; I'm left floating here, wondering and wondering...

(Also, I don't own the song in this video, so don't sue me.)

The Next Adventure! Chapter 2: China

So the decision has been made:  My next adventure will be in China! Visit my China Blog @ KSalemElsewhereChina.blogspot.com  (Not ...