You've been in Chuuk for TOO LONG...

I just caught myself becoming very excited over google street view showing, that in Palau, there are roads. Unfortunately, this was not before witnessing 30 seconds of nostalgic flashbacks... of roads.


I guess I'm a Navigator too...

Charlie visited last weekend, and the decision had been made.  The deal has been offered, and I have accepted. Bing bam boom. With that, I depart from Micronesia in one month to start a new life in Boston. I can't believe this is happening. 

I wasn't about to be ready to leave for quite some time, and yet i'm on the fast track to the States. I need to be moved into Boston by June 14th, and I depart from the FSM on the 4th. Talk about shaking things up. Attending graduate school in the city of Boston is literally the opposite extreme of my dream-like island life. The similarities lie only in the community: Catholic, tight-nit, and fully funded. 

I hope that I can make the transition with as little emotional trauma as possible. I think i've already undergone the brunt of it when my parents were here. Thanks Mom and Dad <3. 

The students have been briefed, so most all of them see what's coming. Of course there're a few who don't quite listen, and ask before being reprimanded by their counterparts. I wonder if they'll miss me. 

I wish I could watch the Juniors graduate next year, but even more upsetting is leaving the freshmen. There are so many of them with great creative promise, AND drive. Drive is the rare catalyst that usually is no where in sight... but Mindful, Richard, and so many of the Freshmen pull their own weight and more. With my guidance I believe they could have achieved great things. Wheioooo.

For now, I'm spending a little time away from the hill. The internet is abysmal, as usual, and i'm sick of trying to make decisions while feeling un-informed. Lesson planning feels like running a marathon through sand with platform boots on. Exhausting, pointless, and somewhat insulting. At least with that i'd be insured a great butt.

Tomorrow i'll go diving. I tried to go this morning, but ended up snorkeling instead. The crew that was supposed to go out decided to take a day of rest. I bought a couple cheap-o skirts from the gift shop that I really liked (probably my Chuukese attempt at shopping therapy.) For the rest of the day, I'll try to catch up on work, maybe even relax a bit. 

Last night I went to Blue Lagoon with Emily, Maria and the Aussies. We saw the JVC members on their retreat (they'll be staying through the weekend.) A serving of the veggie fried rice, a couple of Brenda's signature strong drinks, and back to Truk Stop I went. When I got back, I hung with VaVa and Sharron, trying to make their night bartending for a bar full of Chuukese men a little less irritating. Is it ok to hang out with bartenders? I know they're supposed to be personable and friendly as part of the job description, but at what point does that become "hanging out"?  Maybe when you stop tipping them. I guess i'd consider that hanging out, although last night I tripped them even though I didn't order anything. Nah. I guess that just makes me that "one-weird-friend."

The Next Adventure! Chapter 2: China

So the decision has been made:  My next adventure will be in China! Visit my China Blog @  (Not ...